简介:In this intense thriller, a nightmarish evening unfolds for David (Luke Kleintank), a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), accidentally hit a girl on her bike. Buzzed and disoriented, David lets Robert convince him to flee the scene and leave the girl for dead, in order to protect his career. Robert shows no remor...
In this intense thriller, a nightmarish evening unfolds for David (Luke Kleintank), a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), accidentally hit a girl on her bike. Buzzed and disoriented, David lets Robert convince him to flee the scene and leave the girl for dead, in order to protect his career. Robert shows no remor...展开
4.0 劳拉·巴苏基 礼萨·拉哈迪安 Chicco Jerikho Sheila Dara Aisha 皮埃尔 格伦特 Sita Nursanti RSD 露娜·玛雅 Jeremy Thomas Maya Hasan Dwi Yan Sarah Sechan 科尔内略·森尼 Nihna Fitria Callysta Elvina Dian Sidik Erik Lasmono Tegar Satrya 奇科·库尔尼亚万 卢特沙 德拉·达蒂安